Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Alejandro Sanz

Alejandro Sanz es un embajador del Ártico con la campaña de Greenpeace. Alejandro daselo una petición para la creación de un sanutario en el Ártico. El presidente dijo que el Artico es muy importante para la salud del mundo.

Alejandro works with an organization called Greenpeace to help conserve the Arctic and the wildlife that resides in that area. They want to protect it from petroleum drilling by major oil companies, most notably Shell. There is a petition with over five million signatures to keep Shell from drilling in the Arctic, and for the second year in a row, it has been successful. President Obama has been very helpful in conserving the Arctic area from oil and gas drilling. (Probably because no big oil executives contributed a substantial amount of money to his campaign, or else he would have turned a blind eye to drilling in such an environment.)

!Alejandro es un cantante MUY fantastico! Me gusta su cancion llama "No Me Compares". Es romantico y suave. Es sobre su amor para su esposa. El enlace a la cancion es <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpUDf_ITZLg>. Alejandro es muy guapa tambien, pero es un poco bajo.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Un corazon

Esto decision era muy dificil hacer. Creo que Elena debe recebir el corazόn. Ella tiene cuatro hijos y es la solo persona que puede trabajar en su familia. Si Elena muría, sus hijos y su esposa sería muy pobres con dinero y en amor. Una persona que va a ayudar las más vidas necesita el corazón.
Alejandro es una persona fantastíca. Él es muy intelegente y trabajó mucho para la advancia  de astrofísico. Pero, él tenía vivir una vida larga. Alejandro tenía server su purpose en esto mundo.
Para Carlota, es muy triste. Ella es talentosa y intelegente, y es solamente una niña. Creo que ella tenía server su purpose en esto mundo tambien.
Joseito es un bebé y es un inocente. Quería darle el corazόn pero Elena necesitalo más.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

El Greco

El Greco was an artist who lived in Spain for the latter part of his life. He originally aspired to be a famous Roman artist, but found no work there because he had vehemently criticized the work of Michelangelo. In Spain, he worked for various church leaders in the city of Toledo. He created The Burial of Count Orgaz (shown below) for a priest in Toledo to honor the life of a Count who had made significant financial contributions to the Church. Something unique about him was that he did not want his paintings widely displayed. He preferred for them to be seen only by a few. He was a Renaissance artist whose creations continue to be admired by people all over the world. El Greco lived to be 73. 

This is my favorite painting by El Greco because it makes me feel joyful about death. That probably sounds weird, but hear me out! At the bottom of the painting, there is a somber scene of a dead man surrounded by cardinals and friends. In the upper middle, angels and saints look down upon the funeral. At the very top, an ethereal being looks down on it all, opening his arms as if to welcome the soul into heaven. The message seems to be that if we live to serve God, He will welcome us into our kingdom. There are many religious symbols in the painting because the work was commissioned by the Catholic Church.