Alejandro Sanz es un embajador del Ártico con la campaña de Greenpeace. Alejandro daselo una petición para la creación de un sanutario en el Ártico. El presidente dijo que el Artico es muy importante para la salud del mundo.
Alejandro works with an organization called Greenpeace to help conserve the Arctic and the wildlife that resides in that area. They want to protect it from petroleum drilling by major oil companies, most notably Shell. There is a petition with over five million signatures to keep Shell from drilling in the Arctic, and for the second year in a row, it has been successful. President Obama has been very helpful in conserving the Arctic area from oil and gas drilling. (Probably because no big oil executives contributed a substantial amount of money to his campaign, or else he would have turned a blind eye to drilling in such an environment.)
!Alejandro es un cantante MUY fantastico! Me gusta su cancion llama "No Me Compares". Es romantico y suave. Es sobre su amor para su esposa. El enlace a la cancion es <>. Alejandro es muy guapa tambien, pero es un poco bajo.
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